Friday, July 27, 2012


Pushing the broom room to room I mutter and brood about my list of to dos

I’ll give you one guess who will clean up this mess…ME that is who!

Sticky fingers speckle the windows, the walls and often my dress

While the laundry perches precariously in baskets and on desks

The menacing dishes look at me with disdain

Relentlessly pursuing me just like a freight train

Abandoned in the halls, on the stairs and often in chairs

Are reproducing shoes; how did we get so many pairs?  

Dust bunnies drift by with a whoop and a cry

Finally coming to rest on my plants that are bone dry

Don’t get me started on the closets, the drawers and the garage full of stuff

Frankly I’m over it; I’ve had quite enough!

But here’s the kicker; the best part of all!

This clutter will never experience a final curtain call.