Monday, April 9, 2012

Faith Acts

Yesterday, my four year old daughter, Lela asked if we could “play God?” You can imagine my shock and confusion to that particular question. Prompted by the strange look on my face, she began to explain, “You know, I will be Jesus on the cross and you will be the bad guys who beat me up and kill me.” The mom in me wanted to say, “Absolutely not! We do not play violent games in this house!”

Thankfully, the Lord slowed me down and allowed me to see that this was a teachable moment! Lela learns through dramatic play and this was her way of saying, “Teach me about Jesus.” I spent the next 30 minutes reading the bible with her, talking about who Jesus was and ultimately acting out the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. My daughter was “acting out her faith” in order to develop her understanding of God!

I was convicted while watching her. Had I been “acting out my faith?” Were some of these “faith acts” allowing me to grow in the knowledge and understanding of the Lord? I was led to Hebrews 11, also known as the Faith Chapter.

Hebrews 11 opens with “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” My bible commentary explains this so beautifully. “The writer of Hebrews reveals two distinct dimensions of faith: Faith is a confidence in God’s plan and provision for our future (“what we hope for”) as well as an expectation that God will fulfill everything he has promised, though we haven’t experienced fulfillment yet (“certain of what we do not see”).

My daughter has faith that when she dies she will go to Heaven and she knows that the Lord will be returning to Earth during the second coming. When she “plays God,” I see an elevated level of excitement when she is pretending to return to Earth because her heart is giddy with expectation for what is to come!

The Lord has revealed to me a new plan He has for my life and I too am giddy with expectation! I know that he will bring fulfillment to the things He has promised and until that day comes I plan to continue to act out my faith and walk faithfully towards the goal He has placed before me.